Friday 1 April 2011


Welcome to the Academy of Blogging - to take part in the 'school' and go through simple and easy writing courses to make your blog more successful and have more content, sign below in the comments and we will get back to you. There is not a minimum of people who are being let in to the school, we feel that the world of Stardoll related blogging will be much friendlier and easier to understand and read and just more interesting if the writers knew how to write properly (with no slang words - that, by the way, don't make the writers any cooler or more popular). So, just to reiterate, comment with the following:

Stardoll Name:
Blog/ Project Name:
Why do you want to be a part of the Stardoll School of Blogging(?): (Two or three lines will do)

Thank you,
The Professors

Footnote - It would of course, help if you followed this blog too. Just to keep you updated on the admissions and lessons!